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Coach Spotlight: Morgan

1) How have you been involved with Girls on the Run?

My daughter, Lucy, joined GOTR in the fall of 2019. I went to the first practice to see if they needed any help. The other coaches were so kind and welcoming and before I knew it, I was recruited to be a coach. I have coached every season since and even re-started a team at my daughter, Catie’s school.  


2) What drew you to the program to get involved?

I have struggled with my body image my whole life. Getting into distance running as a young adult helped me to change how I looked at myself and to feel strong and more confident. I didn’t have to win the race. I just had to finish. I appreciate that GOTR tells every girl she is strong and Be-YOU-tiful and makes the running and the race about doing your best and making healthy choices. The messages of positive self-talk and star power are something I wish I had more of growing up. I am proud to help bring that to my team each season. I hope it helps them to see how wonderful they are exactly the way they are! 


3) Why do you think it's so important for girls today to have access to this program?

I love the idea of building a team and helping the girls to not only support each other and find connections in their school, but also to think about how they can help their community or stand up for a friend. I feel grateful that I get to help them think about what makes them unique and to have the skills to challenge the messages that they will receive as they continue to grow up that they have to change to be accepted. If they leave the season with just a little more confidence and a new friend, then I have succeeded. It is truly an honor.  


4) How have you seen the program impact a girl on your team?

I have seen how amazing this program is with my own daughters. When everything shut down in 2020, we kept up a remote team. This made a big difference for my Lucy who missed seeing her friends. It also gave me something to look forward to. Each practice standing in our living room talking with folks on the computer or running around the house and doing jumping jacks or energy awards was a bright spot in a tough time. Her little sister jumped in and joined us that remote season. She loved it so much as soon as she was old enough she became a part of our team. GOTR has brought new friends and connections into their lives and mine. It has shown them they can set goals and achieve them even if they are hard. Whether it is a reminder about compromise and taking a breath before responding or the chance we have to make healthy and positive choices, we talk about our Girls on the Run lessons at our house all of the time. 


5) What are some of your hobbies or interests?

I love to run and walk and hike with my kiddos, my mom friends or on my own to get away from my desk and out in the woods or my local neighborhood. We play a lot of games in our house. I am also a big fan of karaoke. You can find me rocking a mic whenever I am able to in the midst of our busy life of work, family and activities. 


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Inspiramos a las chicas a ser alegres, saludables y seguras usando un programa divertido basado en la experiencia que integra con creatividad la actividad de correr. Programa extracurricular sin fines de lucro destinado al empoderamiento de niñas.

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