Celebrating 20 Years of Star Power

Celebrating 20 Years of Star Power

20th Anniversary Logo

Celebrating 20 Years of Star Power

Girls on the Run of the Greater Chesapeake started in Annapolis with just 25 girls in 2005. Now, 20 years later, we’ve changed over 25,000 girls’ lives and expanded to reach over 2,500 girls a year in 13 counties in Maryland and Baltimore City! Thank you for your unwavering commitment to helping each participant discover their inner star power.



We're incredibly grateful to the dedicated coaches who stand by our participants each season and help them activate their star power, to our volunteers who believe in the power and potential of all participants, and to our partners, donors and funders who have fueled our mission. Together, we've made a positive impact for girls across our region. THANK YOU! 

We invite you to celebrate our 20th anniversary with us as we continue building a better tomorrow for our girls and expand program access this year and beyond. We're looking forward to inspiring confidence with YOU.


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